by Chuck Kocher | Aug 26, 2024 | Business Coach, Coaching and Encouragement, Executive Coaching, Scaling up
In this episode of Inside Personal Growth, we have the pleasure of having Certified Executive Business Coach, Chuck Kocher, join us to talk about his company, The Transformation Company, among other topics. Chuck brings with him a wealth of experience, boasting an...
by Chuck Kocher | Apr 29, 2019 | Business Coach, Coaching and Encouragement, Great Entrepreneurs
How Good Do You Want to Be In Your Business? There are all kinds of ways to measure success in business. Sometimes success is measured by reaching certain financial goals (both corporate and personal). Other times success is judged based on market share. For some...
by Chuck Kocher | Aug 31, 2018 | Business Growth, Cash and Financials, Coaching and Encouragement
Many of us grew up in homes in which we were told it wasn’t polite to talk about money. If you’re serious about growing your business, however, you can talk about money now or worry about it forever. There are few things that drain business cash reserves like growth...
by Chuck Kocher | May 14, 2018 | Business Coach, Business Transformation, Coaching and Encouragement
As an executive coach, I know that if you’re interested in growing your business you can’t coast to the next level. It takes knowledge, hard work, and discipline to achieve your goals. Repetition Doesn’t Have to Be Meaningless The image you see here may be a familiar...
by Chuck Kocher | Apr 16, 2018 | Business Coach, Business Growth, Coaching and Encouragement, Strategy Development
I have to confess that one of my pet peeves is when someone tries to sell me something or offer me advice before they find out what I really want. It happens in stores and online all the time. Sometimes at business gatherings, people I don’t know will pitch me their...
by Chuck Kocher | Mar 28, 2018 | Business Coach, Business Growth, Coaching and Encouragement, Strategic Thinking
When you think about enlisting the services of a business coach to help you grow your company, you may have some very specific ideas in mind. You may want someone to help you formulate your business strategy. You may be looking for someone to help you manage your...
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