by Chuck Kocher | Apr 20, 2020 | Business Coach, Communication, Coronavirus and Business, Leadership
It’s fairly obvious that “business as usual” no longer applies to any of us. That’s why, for the next few weeks I plan to focus on things we can do to keep moving forward—even in uncertain times. I plan to take a look at essential thinking,...
by Chuck Kocher | Nov 15, 2019 | Communication, Corporate Culture, Leadership
Is Your Business Communication Show or Substance? Great communication is essential if you’re trying to scale up your company. Change (transformation) is a big part of the process, and that means that the lines of communication have to be wide open to ensure that...
by Chuck Kocher | Nov 8, 2019 | Business Coach, Business Growth, Communication, Leadership
Are You Coaching or Telling Your Employees What To Do? One thing that I repeatedly impress on clients as an executive business coach is the importance of great leadership. I’m a firm believer that if you want to grow your company by 10x you also have to grow your...
by Chuck Kocher | Oct 4, 2019 | *Refurb, Business Transformation, Communication, Scaling up
Poor Communication Can Kill Your Ability to Scale Up Most business leaders understand (to some degree) the importance of keeping the lines of communication open with employees. Your communication needs to be clear and transparent. That’s true whether it’s key...
by Chuck Kocher | Aug 26, 2019 | Business Coach, Business Transformation, Communication
Business Communication Transparency Tips From A Top Business Coach As a business coach, the longer I work with companies that are trying to scale up and grow their business, the more I’m struck with the importance of honest, transparent business communication. I’ll...
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