This Business Coach Can’t Fix Your Business Until He Fixes You

Posted by Chuck Kocher
On March 19, 2018

Business Coaching starts with YouAs an executive business coach, I frequently receive inquiries from business owners who are facing challenges and want help taking their companies to the next level. Some want help with their marketing strategy. Others want to improve their performance or profitability. Still, others have businesses that have just seem to be stagnant—and they want a shot in the arm that will get things moving again. While they may not use these exact words, the message I receive from many of them is: “Fix my business.” While I have a lot of business tools at my disposal, the truth is that this business coach can’t fix your business until he fixes you.

Businesses Don’t Miraculously Grow
That’s what the whole concept of business transformation is all about. Businesses don’t miraculously grow and become profitable without some serious work. If you want to change the results you get in business, you need to change the way the business runs.

Transformation is Essential
Transformation is essential for scaling your business and achieving dramatic, sustainable growth. That means hiring the right people. It means having a solid vision and a clear, measurable strategy for accomplishing goals. It also involves taking a hard (and regular) look at your performance and execution so you know what changes to make. And of course, it requires that you have the cash on hand to accommodate accelerated growth.

I Can’t Fix Your Business . . .
Bill Gallagher, host of the Scaling Up Business Podcast, recently interviewed me and asked about how transformation actually happens in businesses. I related a story about one of my clients that wanted to grow aggressively. When I met with the company they had all kinds of things they wanted me to fix. I looked the client in the eye and said; “I can’t fix your business until I fix you!” (Click here to hear the whole podcast)

Business transformation has to start with you as the business owner or leader. If you’re not committed to making the changes necessary in the way you think and act, you’ll never bring about dramatic change in your company.

So how can you get started? Probably the best place to begin is with an evaluation of your current situation. I’d encourage you to take this quick, free assessment to find out if you’re ready for transformation—and where your business currently stands. There’s no obligation. But if you’re interested in talking about the results and how you can move forward, we can arrange a complimentary 30-minute consultation to talk about next steps.

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Find out how your company looks to prospective buyers by taking our Value Drivers Assessment.