Tips for Helping Your People Succeed at Scaling Up

Posted by Chuck Kocher
On March 22, 2019

helping your peopleHelping Your People To Help You Scale Your Business

If you want dramatic growth you know you’ve got to scale up your business to operate at a different level. But how can you monitor and measure that in a practical way? Here are some simple tips for helping your people succeed at scaling up.

Establish Specific Critical Goals

We all know that if you’re aiming at nothing, you’ll hit it every time. And yet, it’s one of the big problems companies have when they are trying to grow. What exactly are you shooting for? If you don’t know what the goal is, how do you know if you’re achieving it?

That’s why it’s so important to set critical goals—and to make them specific. Based on your vision, you can work with your team to establish specific, measurable benchmarks that will show if you’re making progress. For instance, if you have a goal of increasing profitability by 20 percent for the year, break that down into key goals. One might be increasing sales. Another might be improving production time. Yet, another might be reducing costs. Assign specific numbers to each of those for each quarter. Review those numbers each quarter so you know how you’re doing as you move through the year.

Set Specific Priorities

All of your goals may be important, but some are more important than others. Determine which of your goals are the most critical in order to achieve your main goal. Keep the main thing the main thing. Focus on the highest priorities. For instance, it’s easy to assume that increased sales are always the number one priority. But if your costs are way out of line, you’ll be dead in the water even if sales are great. Of course, the opposite can be true as well. Keeping costs under control won’t help you if you’re not selling anything.

Make It Measurable

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help you keep track of exactly where you are. Each area of your company needs to have specific, measurable indicators that they are making progress. They need to figure out how to achieve those mini-goals (and yes, you may need to help them figure that out). The KPIs also need to have specific deadlines. If a group doesn’t hit their KPIs it’s time to sit down with them and figure out a new plan.

How Can A Business Coach Help Your People to Scale Up?

In his best-selling book, Scaling Up, Verne Harnish talks about a very interesting success factor. He points out that, “Google’s people analytics team discovered [that] one-on-one coaching is the #1 factor linked to great management.” They found that periodic one-on-one coaching was more important than just superior technical knowledge in producing successful leaders.

What Does That Mean for Your Business?

Does that mean you need to hire a business coach to spend time with all of your staff? That’s simply not practical. But what you can do is lean on the expertise of a great coach to teach your key team members how to coach others. A good coach has the tools, the skills and the experience required to teach your leaders how to set specific critical goals; to set specific priorities, and to set up metrics that allow your leaders to evaluate the people for whom they’re responsible.

Next Steps

are we a good fir to help your peopleSo, how can you begin? One simple step is to do a very basic evaluation of your people. When you click the Assess Your People button below, you can take a 2-minute assessment of your key employees that will give you an overview of what you may need to work on. If you think you need some help moving forward and training your staff to coach their team, click on the Are We A Good Fit button. That can help you decide if the Transformation Company is a good fit for helping you achieve your goals.

                                                         Assess your people


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