Same Auld Lang Syne? New Resolutions for Business Growth

Posted by Chuck Kocher
On January 1, 2017

same-auld-lang-syne-new-resolutions-for-your-businessThe vast majority of New Years resolutions focus on things such as working out, losing weight, and controlling personal spending. Kathy Caprino recently wrote an article for Forbes about questions to ask in order to have a happier work experience. Should you consider New Years resolutions for your business? Do you want to transform your business, or are you content with the same Auld Lang Syne?

I thought it would be interesting (and helpful) to look at Caprino’s questions about personal work satisfaction (You can read her full article, here), and then use the same questions as they pertain to your business.

  • Do I stay stuck in this line of work simply because I’m afraid to leave?
    Do you resist making significant changes to the way you do business because you’re afraid to try something new? Or are you willing to test your comfort level in order to dramatically change the way your business operates? Are you willing to take on a Big Hairy Audacious Goal that will challenge you and change the way you live?


  • Do I stay because I don’t know what else to do?
    Do you keep doing the same things over and over simply because you don’t know how to do anything else? What if you’re in a changing (or even a dying) industry? Are you content to accept diminishing returns or do you want to learn something new?


  • Do I stay because I don’t think I’m worth better or more?
    Do you continue with the status quo because you don’t think your business (your team, your market, your infrastructure) is worth improving? How would you describe the culture within your business? Does it encourage growth or reward the same old behavior?


  • What makes you who you are, and how are you special, valuable and unique?
    Is there something that your company has to offer that nobody else can offer? Have you ever done a SWOT (Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threat) assessment to see what your company’s potential is?


  • What came easily to you as a child, teen and young adult?
    Is there “low-hanging fruit” that your business could take advantage of? Transforming your company isn’t an overnight endeavor, but there may be some relatively small and simple changes you could make to get the ball rolling in the right direction as you work on the big changes.


  • What are the 20 “facts” of you and what you’ve achieved and contributed?
    Too many companies base their plans on unrealistic expectations of what they wish for. Start with the facts. Pull your team together and come up with a list of 10-20 things that you’ve actually achieved. What are your successes? What have you done well? Perhaps you’re not the industry leader, but it’s good to have a reminder that you’ve accomplished certain things—and then push to do those things better.


Forbes also reported that only about 8 percent of individuals actually achieve their New Years resolutions. Usually it’s because the resolutions are vague, not measurable, or are uninspiring. Don’t let that happen with your business resolutions. Make plans that are specific, measurable, and motivate you to transform your company!

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