AAA: It’s Not Just for Cars Anymore—It’s the Key to Business Growth

Posted by Chuck Kocher
On October 12, 2015

AAAPut three capital A’s in a row and most people think of the venerable American Automobile Association (which, by the way, tells you something about how well their branding works!). And that’s great if you need fast and courteous roadside assistance.

If, however, you’re looking to grow your business and dominate your industry, those three letters should stand for something entirely different.

ALIGN: You want (and need) to align your business goals, your resources, your strategies, and your people. That means learning to plan smarter, hire and retain the right people, and make sure you clearly pass on your corporate vision and expectations to your employees.

ACCELERATE: Today’s business environment changes rapidly. More than ever, “If you snooze, you lose!” It’s important to get the right plan and then run with it. You need to be nimble so that you can move in the right direction (and make adjustments if necessary) and do it quickly.

ADVANCE: Successful growth in business isn’t about increased activity; it’s about upward movement in specific areas that improve your company’s reputation and revenues. And it’s about creating a corporate environment in which employees are engaged and excited (which also advances your company’s reputation and revenues!).

Those are the essentials for scaling up the growth of your business. And that’s what the best-selling business book, The Rockefeller Habit™2.0 is all about. If you’ve like to discover the specifics about how you can Align, Accelerate, and Advance your business so that you can dominate your industry, I’d like to invite you to the Scaling Up Business Growth Workshop on Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at The Club at Flying Horse in Colorado Springs.

You won’t just hear the theory of how to grow your business. You’ll walk away with tools to make it happen! Click here for more information or to register. If you have questions you can call Traci A. Holle at 719.487.1899 or contact her at



OCTOBER 19, 2015

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