Those of us in business talk about success all the time. Sometimes, however, we buy into falsehoods and business myths that keep us from experiencing the kind of success we really want. Here’s a look at one of those myths.
Sometimes we simply don’t look at the big picture. We hear business experts tell us that, “Failure isn’t final.” That may be true, but the same thing applies to success. Even if your work hard and are fortunate enough to achieve success, it’s not final. It’s not guaranteed to last forever.
You can (and should!) set goals for business success, but you need to bear in mind that there is no finish line. That’s one reason we say that transforming your company is to “be great, stay great, and live great.” It’s an on-going process.
The process, however, is essential to continued success. The path we take to success isn’t a one-time trip. It’s a path we have to walk over and over. We may start on the road to growth and success by assessing our situation: by carefully evaluating our goals and choosing goals that will transform our company. Then we need to align our objectives strategically with those goals. Achieving those goals, however, requires careful, consistent planning that’s put into place by means of the execution of measureable actions. Our companies accelerate their growth when we develop our leadership and our teams. That’s what leads to a transformational company—a great company that’s continuing to grow.
The process, however, never ends. There is no finish line. You may be further up the mountain of success, but there’s no standing still. You have to keep doing what got you a measure of success—and do it better. You need to keep assessing your situation; keep aligning your objectives to a changing marketplace; keep planning based on new information; and keep accelerating by investing in your people. If you don’t, your competition will catch up.
It’s healthy to acknowledge and celebrate your company’s successes. But a transformational company keeps moving forward and takes advantage of what they have learned. That’s because they know that the problem with success is that there really is no finish line. But that’s also what keeps things exciting!
Need help growing your business? With over 35 years of experience and thousands of companies assisted, Chuck Kocher and The Transformation Company can help you scale your business into a truly exceptional business capable of high growth strategies. Businesses are always changing, don’t let yours be left behind. Stand out with our business and executive leadership programs – designed to challenge and improve your business. Your business will thank you for it. Contact me today for a free consultation! 719-339-9505